Monday, October 15, 2007

Pending Doom????

The one year mark is even closer, and while I could not be happier, I still cannot believe it has been a year. Perhaps I should be posting this under my other blog, for it feels like I am Overthinking the whole thing, but here we go.

Since January, Ken and I have spent no less than 20 weekends in LA! Add to that the weekends in WA and CO, and I am sure a trip or two more, and you can understand why a weekend away to celebrate is not exactly getting us all excited.

We also talked about just playing tourist and staying on the strip. But along with all the weekend travel has come plenty of hotel stays in relatively nice hotels. A Hilton is nothing to sneeze at.

Our anniversary also falls in the week of my best friend's birthday and both of her sons' birthdays. So going out for dinner will be well done by the time our actual date arrives. Besides which, we are both dieting and watching what we eat. That kind of kills going out for a fancy restaurant.

WE talked about a show on the strip. But we are doing that with Ken's Mom for her birthday and possibly for Teri's oldest son for his birthday too. Again, it kind of kills the specialness of doing it to celebrate our anniversary.

Truth be told, I feel like Ken and I have the luck of celebrating our life together daily. Do we really need to have one day that we have to do something special? We are both thinking of things and nothing seems to be sticking as what we want to do.

October 22 is just another day, isn't it? No, it is not! But I feel like every day is October 22 -- how lucky am I?!? Can't we celebrate our anniversary by just being happy together? Of course we could; and while the realist inside of me feels that way and thinks that way, the romantic girl inside of me is hoping that Ken will still find some way to surprise me or that we will figure something out together. Or not. Every day is a celebration.


Cupcake Blonde said...

I am sure Ken has something up his sleeve to celebrate this special milestone. But do not fret if you do not do anything spectacular. As long as you are both together and you ackowledge the love you have for each other and that it was on that day you sealed the deal (so to speak!) you will have an incredible anniversary. And you are right, you feel this way every day, as you should, and that is really what marriage is about.

Teri said...

I totally understand. I feel that way about birthdays too. Sometimes I think in my logical brain and say no big deal, why are we doing all of this? Then on the other side of my emotional brain, I sometimes feel like it would be nice to do something special.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary!!!!!!