Monday, September 03, 2007

Nearly A Year

Can you believe it has been nearly a year since we became Mr. and Mrs.? No? Neither can we! And so much has happened in that year. It has been a wee bit on the insane side.

A quick recap to get everyone caught up before the blogging begins:
  • We got married (duh!)
  • Honeymooned (double duh!)
  • Bought a car
  • Spent innumerable hours in that car driving back and forth from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to clean out the house on Wyandotte Street
  • Spent a lot of time with our respective families (and survived to tell the tales) -- His parents at least once a week and my Dad every time we go to LA.
  • Faced a few health crises
  • Decided to start the adoption process sometime in the Fall of 2007
  • Got to know each other's friends, even better ( a weekend in Colorado here, a few days in Seattle there)
  • Discovered all of our friends' kids' strange attraction to Ken -- the little girls flirt, and the little boys just LOVE him!
  • Learned about compromise -- we now have satellite TV and the football package
  • Renovated the house on Wyandotte Street
  • Did I mention all the time together in the car driving to and from LA -- without killing one another?
  • Painted the insides of the house to give it some personality
  • Started re-furnishing the house with items that will be OURS, not mine and yours
  • Decided that getting married was just about the best thing either of us has ever done!

See you soon for new adventures in some sense of detail and storytelling


Cupcake Blonde said...

I love the new look and the fact this post is so full of love and hope for more great things to come. You guys are so perfect for each other!

Lucy Stern said...

You have had quite a year! Congradulations on your anniversary. Good luck selling the house.