Thursday, July 13, 2006

Enough about us...

For months we are writing all about ourselves, about the wedding, about our life together... It feels to me like time for a change (for now at least).

How are YOU today? What is going on in your world, and what do feel like sharing? (it doe not have to be earth shattering, just something you feel like saying.)

And on that note, have a great Thursday!


Darryll said...
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Darryll said...

Ok, I will let you know what is going on in my world.

Gonna be closing on a new home shortly. It is actually one that I want and will enjoy for once.

Lost my job back in mid June and am in the process of looking for another a nice severance pack plus unemployment..have some strong leads, keeping my finges crossed.

My hockey team, "puckin monkeys" are currently on a 10 game winning streak and we look to go 13-0 and win it all..a little cocky, yeah you can say that about us cause we are. :-)

Enjoying a summer off for the 1st time in like "never". Get to spend it with my daughter Katie...she likes it when daddy dosent have to work. haha
Well that's all about for me...

Cupcake Blonde said...

I want to know what led you to put your last post up about Ken. What did he do to make you say he rocks?

New White Keds said...

Darryll: Congrats on the new house! I hope you have many happy years in it! Hugs to Katie, and good luck on the job thing -- It can be tough, but keep the faith. My fingers are crossed for you.

Amanda: He did nothing specific. I just woke up that morning looking at him and being completely overwhelmed with shmoopiness. TODAY, however, I can tell you he rocks 'cause he just survived a trip to CA where we spent 4 days with my family (parents and extended) and came back still wanting to marry me!